707 Pest Solutions

The Dangers Ants Pose To Your Home

dangers ants pose on your home

While one or a few ants in your home may not seem like cause for concern, they can quickly multiply into hundreds more once word gets back to the colony about your open house. Similar to termites, ants are one of the sneakiest pests and one of the hardest to exterminate without professional help. 707 Pest Solutions has the tools and experience to eliminate ants from your home and yard and preventative treatment methods to help deter them from coming back.

Allowing ants to roam freely around your home is never a good idea. Here are some of the dangers ants pose to your home.

Structural and Insulation Damage

Carpenter ants are the most popular ant species in Humboldt County and the most destructive. These ants will chew through your home’s foundation to make tunnels for their colony. Carpenter ants will target wood that is already weakened to make their tunnels, which is why their presence may signify a more significant structural problem with your damaged wood.

Carpenter ants and other species may also shred through your attic insulation to build their nests. Having ants in your insulation is a problem since it can cause your insulation to deteriorate more quickly. 707 Pest Solutions offers wood damage and insulation repair service to restore these damaged areas within your home.

Danger to your Family

We all know the pain associated with fire ants in your yard. Their bites contain venom that can cause allergic reactions and make outside playtime nonexistent. Fire ants present the most physical danger and should be exterminated immediately. They are red and easy to notice around the foundation of your home. 

Other ant species may not be a physical threat, but ants can carry bacteria and transmit disease. When ants are in your kitchen or pantry, diseases like salmonella and staph may easily spread to your family. Be sure to seal your food sources and clean your kitchen and eating areas after use!

Time and Money

You may have tried DIY ant control treatments only to find ants keep appearing in your home. Ants are tough to control without professional help, and attempting to eradicate them yourself can waste your valuable time and money. Also, many DIY ant control methods contain harmful chemicals to your family and pets. Even if these at-home ant treatment methods do work, they often will damage the surfaces you spread them on. Not to mention you’ll be left having to sweep up hundreds of dead ant bodies!

Ant Control Treatments with 707 Pest Solutions

Ants may be seen as simple insects, but their presence does pose dangers to your home and family. They are a serious pest problem that needs to be addressed sooner rather than later. 707 Pest Solutions offers extermination methods for ongoing ant infestations and preventative treatments to help keep ants out of your home. 

We often use the natural foraging patterns of ants to our advantage by placing ant traps with a non-sugary bait coated in an active ingredient on location. Ants will collect our bait and bring it back to their colony. The active ingredient is designed to kill ants and their queen. Contact our team to learn more about our various ant control treatment options!