707 Pest Solutions

How Can A Raccoon Damage Your House?

How Can A Raccoon Damage Your House?

Having raccoons near your home can be more than just a nuisance – it could spell trouble for your property. These critters can be extremely destructive to your home if allowed to roam freely. If you’re concerned about raccoons getting too close for comfort, read on to understand why it’s crucial to keep them at bay and swiftly address any signs of their presence.

What Attracts Raccoons To a Home?

Raccoons are always on the lookout for food and shelter, and your home can unintentionally provide both. They are particularly drawn to easily accessible food sources, such as outside garbage cans. Once they find a reliable food source, raccoons are likely to keep coming back and might even explore ways to get inside your home for a more comfortable habitat. It’s important to deal with this issue early before they can tell their raccoon friends about your property and the amenities it offers.

What Ways Can A Raccoon Damage Your Home?

Allowing raccoons to roam freely around your property is a recipe for disaster. Doing so can cause the following damage to your home.

Shingle and Roof Damage

Raccoons are excellent climbers and often gain access to homes via the roof. They can cause significant damage to roof shingles as they attempt to find or create entry points. Raccoons can rip off roof shingles or gnaw through weaker areas to access the attic. This damage can lead to leaks, resulting in water damage and a compromised roof structure. The openings they create can also allow water and other pests to enter the home, leading to further problems.

Insulation Damage

Once inside, raccoons often nest in attics where they can severely damage insulation. They trample and compress insulation material while moving around, which reduces its effectiveness in temperature regulation. Raccoons also tend to tear apart insulation to create nests, leading to costly repairs and increased energy bills due to inefficient insulation. The disruption of insulation not only affects your comfort but also your energy consumption. It is also unhealthy for your family when raccoons create nests within the insulation.

Chewing on Wires

Raccoons are notorious for chewing on electrical wires within homes. This behavior poses a significant risk of electrical fires and can lead to expensive electrical repairs. Furthermore, damaged wiring can disrupt power in parts of the house and may require extensive work to replace or repair. Keeping raccoons away from your property is crucial in maintaining the safety and functionality of your home’s electrical systems.

Structural Integrity Damage

Raccoons are powerful animals capable of causing structural damage to your property. Their strength allows them to tear apart wood, siding, and even some types of metal to gain access or to create a more comfortable living space. This structural damage can be costly to repair and weaken your home’s overall integrity, making it more susceptible to other issues. Ensuring your home is secure against raccoon intrusion is vital to maintaining its structure.

Health Risks Associated with Urine and Droppings

Raccoon urine and droppings are not just unpleasant – they pose significant health risks. Their excrement can contain harmful pathogens like leptospirosis and roundworm eggs. The accumulation of urine and feces can also lead to a strong, unpleasant odor and attract other pests. This issue can be particularly severe if raccoons reside in an enclosed space like an attic.

Additional Damage

Beyond these common issues, raccoons can cause a variety of other damages. They might destroy gardens, dig through trash bins, and disrupt outdoor areas. Inside the home, they can tear apart ductwork, soil soft furnishings, and damage stored items in attics or garages. Each action adds to the potential cost and effort required for repair and cleanup. Keeping raccoons away from your home is essential not only for your home’s structure but also for its overall upkeep.

Contact 707 Pest Solutions For Raccoon Wildlife Removal

Raccoons can pose a significant threat to the integrity and safety of your home. From damaging the roof and insulation to posing health risks through their droppings, these creatures can be more than just a simple nuisance. If you’re facing raccoon troubles, it’s essential to act swiftly.

707 Pest Solutions is licensed with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and specializes in humane and effective raccoon removal. Our exclusion methods include one-way eviction doors to ensure these critters are kept out of your home for good. Don’t let raccoon damage disrupt your peace of mind. Contact our office today to learn more about your options and protect your home from raccoon damage.

FAQ About Raccoons Near Your Home

Having raccoons around your house is not advisable. They can cause significant damage to your property and pose health risks due to their droppings and potential aggression.

If a raccoon is lingering around your house, it’s important to remove any food sources that might be attracting it and secure garbage cans. Consider contacting a pest control professional for safe and humane removal.

Raccoons are often attracted to homes because of easy access to food, such as garbage, pet food, or gardens, and potential shelter spots like attics or under decks.

Yes, you should be cautious. While they may not pose an immediate threat, raccoons in your yard can lead to property damage and increased risk of disease transmission.

Raccoons dislike strong smells like ammonia, vinegar, or the scent of predator urine. They also tend to avoid bright lights and loud noises.

A raccoon may repeatedly visit your porch if it has found a food source there or considers it a safe place to rest. Make sure to remove any food and secure your garbage cans.

Do not approach, feed, or attempt to handle a raccoon. These actions can provoke aggression and increase the risk of injury or disease transmission. Instead, keep a safe distance and contact a professional if needed.