707 Pest Solutions

6 Most Common Hiding Places For Critters In Your Home

common hiding places for critters in your home

Discovering uninvited critters in your home can be more than just an annoyance. Wild animals can pose serious health risks and cause extensive damage to your home’s wood and structural areas. Knowing these animals’ favorite hiding spots around your home is essential for safeguarding your family’s health and integrity. 

Common Areas Where Critters Hide In A Home

Let’s delve into the common hideouts critters choose and why they’re drawn to these particular spots in your home. With this insight, you can predict their next move and secure your home, ensuring peace of mind and a critter-free environment.

The Garage: A Gateway for Critters

The garage is often the first attempt for an animal seeking shelter. It’s warm, usually cluttered, and offers plenty of nooks for nesting. Critters are drawn here for the same reasons we love our garages – they protect us from the elements and are less frequented by humans. To secure your garage from critters, keep it tidy, store food in sealed containers, and seal any gaps or cracks that could serve as entry points.

The Attic: A Critter’s Refuge

Your attic might be out of sight, but it’s certainly not out of mind for squirrels and other critters. Your attic is quiet, secluded, and full of insulation for nesting material. This makes it an ideal choice for animals seeking warm shelter, especially in colder months. 

To make your attic less appealing, regularly clean it out, inspect for openings, and consider using pest-repellent materials or devices. 707 Pest Solution offers a wildlife exclusion service, where we will patch up possible entry holes around your home and install one-way eviction doors to ensure critters can leave your home safely without the ability to return. 

The Kitchen Pantry: A Critter’s Buffet

With its abundance of food, the kitchen pantry can be a paradise for pests. The smells of a free and easy meal attract them to your home. Keep your pantry critter-proof by promptly storing food in airtight containers, disposing of expired goods, and maintaining a regular cleaning schedule.

Crawl Spaces: The Underside Hideout

Crawl spaces are the perfect storm for critter habitation. They’re dark, moist, and rarely disturbed by humans. You can easily deter critters from your crawlspaces by ensuring that vents are screened and entry points sealed. Regular inspections by 707 Pest Solutions can catch signs of infestation early and implement preventative measures to keep animals at bay.

Wall Voids: The Secret Passageways

The spaces between your walls serve secret highways for critters, allowing them to travel unseen and often unheard. They’re drawn to these areas for the shelter and pathways they provide to food sources. To combat this, fill in gaps around pipes and cables and consider a professional inspection to identify any potential entry points you might have missed.

Near Outside Trash Cans: The Unseen Gathering Spots

The area around your trash cans can be a buffet for wildlife, offering a consistent food source. Keep your outside trash area clean to deter critters, use cans with locking lids, and position the cans away from your home, if possible.

Contact 707 Pest Solutions For Wildlife Control Today!

Staying vigilant about these common hiding places is essential for a critter-free home. Regular checks and maintenance with 707 Pest Solutions can go a long way in preventing infestations.

If you’re facing an uphill battle against critters in your home, don’t hesitate to call the cavalry. 707 Pest Solutions can help you identify and fortify your home against these unwelcome guests. Reach out today and take the first step towards reclaiming your space.

FAQ About Critters In Your Home

Getting critters out of your house involves a few steps: identifying the type of pest, locating where they’re hiding, and then choosing the appropriate method of removal, such as traps, repellents, or professional pest control services. It’s important to also seal up entry points to prevent re-entry.

Common animals that can infest your home include mice, rats, squirrels, bats, raccoons, cockroaches, ants, and termites. Each critter has its own preferred environment and can be attracted to different areas of your home.

To stop critters from coming into your house, seal up holes and cracks in your home’s exterior, install door sweeps and screens, keep the yard tidy, and ensure trash is properly sealed. Regularly inspecting your home for signs of pests and maintaining cleanliness can also deter critters.

Critters can get in the house through small openings around doors, windows, vents, and utility lines. They can also enter through gaps in the roof, eaves, and foundation. Some pests are even known to burrow into the ground and come up through the basement or crawl spaces.

Signs that you have critters in your walls include scratching or scurrying noises, droppings, chewed wires or structural damage, and unexplained holes or marks on walls. A musty odor can also indicate the presence of critters in your walls.